In truth, something easy that they women can do it by themselves, nevertheless, when the one they love just arround them, they wanna be l little lazy abruptly, they just hope if they say what they want, and then someone serves for them, despite the tiny things, they would be satisfied.
Many men thought that the acquirement for blessedness is high to women, but in fact, women all think it simple, in their eyes, it is needless to say any words like "I love you forever." and "die for her", all the things they care about is when she does something tiny and sweet for us, and we can give it back to her,
because it is not only thoughtful, but also a momentary felicity. Whatever the eyewink,women will never forget.
Therefore, when our girlfriend say"Would you please ties up my shoelace?", and we keep down to do it, this moment is for keeps.
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