I am a undergraduate, which has written in my profile.I have been dreamed about my life in college for several years, but the life in college is not what I thought about.
In my eyes, the college is somewhere we can learn how to control and use our life, however, I cannot smell any flavor of freedom, all the things are under control by school, for instance, we can not choose the class we attend or not, even, we can not choose the sport we like to play, actually, I am not so angry about it, but we must have foresight.
Not to mention the best college in the world, we just only talk about the best one in Taiwan-NTU, it give her all students freedom instead of selfe-indulgence, on the cournterpart, we are tied up by our school, whatever, our school must think anout us, but we have to think it deeply, if this kind of education can improve us, why is not the Chinese Military Academy the best school?
You are a crazy man.
HaHa, this is the way I am.
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